Class 01:
- Intro and bio
- Overview of what class will cover
- Design Tools (D.O.B.O.T.)
- Planning & Preparation
Class 02:
- Draping & Patterning
- Fabricating Understructure
- How to work with faux fur
Class 03:
- No sew option
- Fitting and Modifying Hood
- Cutting Viewing Window/Straw Hole
Class 04:
- Inserting Mesh Viewpoint Window
- Needlefelt Tools Overview
- Wool Analysis
Class 05:
- Pulling Wool
- Primary Shapes Sculpting
Class 06:
- Secondary Shapes Sculpting
- Eye Decisions
- Sculpt Clay Nose
Class 07:
- Colour Blending
- Reverse Needle Technique
Class 08:
- Final Layer Sculpting
- Fur Tinting Techniques
Class 09:
- Unifying the Sculpture
- Attaching Eyes and Nose
- Fabricating Paws & Claws
- Bonus CLASS: Sloth Manicure
- Bonus CLASS: Fabricating Feet
- BONUS ITEM: Fantasy Eye Pattern
- BONUS ITEM: Materials List
- BONUS ITEM: Melissa’s Scribbles
- BONUS ITEM: Sloth Pattern
- BONUS ITEM: Sloth Colour Paletter
Open Facebook Group to students of this course:
Curious Mondo: Wearable Art Costumes
Time table:
9 hours
Basic / Intermediate / Advanced
Target market:
Sculptors, crafters, Cos players, fiber artists, anyone who loves puppetry, sculpting, or want to start a new hobby or career
Main objective:
Learn how to create a wearable art costume