What you will learn:
Class 1:
- About the instructor
- What we are going to cover
- Talk about fabric bags- fun, art, profit
- Supplies
- Showcase pieces
- Prepping for painting – foam, fusible web, canvas
Class 2:
- Pastel – abstracts
- Pastel pencils with stencils – Blending
Class 3:
- Iron Technique
Class 4:
- Review- Finish iron
- Machine embroidery
Class 5:
- Finish embroidery – Prep for faux chenille
- Faux chenille sewing
Class 6
- Finish faux chenille
- Talk about washing- have prepped piece
Class 7:
- Putting the pieces together
- Front zig zag
Class 8:
- Adding pockets
- Adding buttons
- Decorated handles
Class 9:
- Mounting the purse
- Finishing the outside
- Asymmetrical purse patterns
- Disk purse pattern
Bonus Class: How to make a round purse with applique and bias