Making a Dragonfly Notebook Cover from Polymer Clay

with Andreea Corpodean

Get your hands on some polymer clay and learn how to make your own colorful dragonfly notebook cover. We’ll start with a white sheet of clay and we’ll go together through the entire process – from sculpting to painting – until we end up with a magical piece. You’ll learn how to make all kinds of textures, how to combine colors to create eye-catching contrasts, why small details matter and how to make a complex design out of simple things. We’ll talk about colors, play with mica powder and acrylic paints, over-use the word ‘tiny’ and also eat a lot of chocolate during this whole time! And we’re not stopping at the front cover! We’ll also create the back cover and the spine to have the whole notebook covered in magic and bright colors. We’ll work with tons of details, so don’t forget to bring your patience!

Learn more about the course here:

Shaping the Throat of Animal Pendants in Polymer Clay

In this video clip we’ll show you how to shape the throat of animal pendants in polymer clay Join us for this fun and educational Animal Pendants in Polymer Clay online course. You will learn how to make 3 different polymer clay pendants: a big-eyed chameleon on a leaf, a tropical tree frog, and an exotic goldfish. You’ll also see how to blend the clay and shape each animal, how to add texture and attach all the features. We provided tips on ways to help strengthen the pendants, and ensure they hang properly. We’ll also discuss paint options and other embellishments.

Learn more about the course here:

Adding Layers for Animal Pendants in Polymer Clay with Melissa Terlizzi

“So I’m going to do a, say a stripe here, kind of like a Y shaped stripe in the middle and then another stripe, right by the tail. So I’ll start with that. Y shaped one. And just do exactly that. I know I’m not in the center of the tile, but okay. So I’m just gonna cut out a Y. This may not be long enough. Let’s let’s check it out. Actually. Hope nobody’s noticing how rusty my blades are. I was just going to go on there, kind of like that, and I’m going to trim those edges off so that it looks like it’s going around his back and then I’ll do another stripe.”

Learn more about the course here: