Class 01:
- What is HR
- Key Functions of HR
- How Company Culture matters
- When to Hire
- Identifying the Need to hire
- Identifying Bad Reasons to hire
- Hiring Mistakes
Class 02:
- Recruiting
- Ad Writing
- Screening in Ad
- Placement
- Recruiting mistakes
Class 03:
- Importance of Selection
- Selection Process
- Interview Options
- IV Questions
- Assessments
- Background Checks
- Reference Checking
- Offer Letter
- Selection Mistakes
- Importance of On Boarding
- Two Phases
- Videos
- Keeping People
Class 04:
- Performance Mgmt. Importance
- Tie to Job Description
- Goal Setting
- Types of Goals: Quantity, Quality
- Timeliness
- Culture
Class 05:
- Evaluations
- Elements and Strategy
- Feedback
- Do’s and Don’ts
- Delivery
- Restaurant Mistake
- Rewards and Recognition
- Motivations
- Pay vs. Recognition
- Recognition Mistakes
Class 06:
- Retention Strategies
- Cost of Turnover
- Tangible, Intangible
- Top Reasons for Turnover
- Employee Surveys
- Hire Back/Counteroffers
- Retention Mistakes
- Exiting People
Class 07:
- Dealing with Problems
- Intent
- Perf Mgmt. Cycle
- Value of an Employee Handbook
- Progressive Discipline
Class 08:
- Dealing with Problems
- Delivering Discipline
- Tran Analysis
- Witnesses
- NLRB Implications
- Term Offenses
- Documentation
- Judge’s Perspective
- Refusal to Sign
- Firing Mistakes
Class 09:
- Terminations
- The Conversation
- Exit Interviews
- Giving References
- Mistakes
- Summary of Laws and Jurisdictions
Open Facebook Group to students of this course:
Business | Curious Mondo: How to Attract, Keep, and Maximize Your Employees!
Time table:
9 hours
Basic / Intermediate / Advanced
Target market:
Small Business Owners
Main objective:
To understand how to expand your business by augmenting capacity through employees and how to manage them.