Class 1:
- About the instructor
- What we are going to cover
- Types & Tools
- Spinners and how they work
- Different ways to spin
- Beads
- The continuous loop
- Starting the wire tree
Class 2:
- Finishing the wire tree
- Incorporating paper clay
Class 3:
- Starting the trunk for spiral floral tree
Class 4:
- Finishing the floral tree
Class 5:
- How to make a Wisteria in one color
Class 6:
- Making the leaf
- Making the trunk
Class 7:
- Show how to make a multi-color Wisteria
- Starting the coconut tree
Class 8:
- Finishing the coconut tree
- Making coconuts with beads
Class 9:
- How to make a Conifer
- How to Make a Pine Tree
- Written instructions