Class 01:
- About the instructor
- Color Selection, Planning From the Inside Out, What makes a Good Base
- Shape as it relates to construction
- Adding your strengths…Weaving, Needle Felting, Wet Felting, Crochet, Knitting, Punchneedle
- Considering Texture
Class 02:
- Patterns and Base
- Felt Bases
- Monks Cloth
- Rug Canvass
Class 03:
- Gathering Pieces
- Crochet Scrumbles and irish lace
- Weaving samples
- Knit bits
- Pieces of Fabric
- Crocheting over Washers and odd Pieces
- Planning your handles and fasteners
Class 04:
- Crochet Scrumbles
- Basic Rounds
- Crocheting over items
- Bouillons and Scrambling ideas
- Irish Lace
Class 05:
- Weaving Samples
- Triangle Loom Weaving
- Rigid Heddle and Pin loom pieces
- Iron on Stabilizers
- Weaving with Fabric
Class 06:
- Knit Bits
- Leaves
- Swatch Samples
Class 07:
- Construction based on Base Selection
- Needle Felting on Felt
- Monks Cloth/ Punch Needle
- Rug Canvass for Rigid Bags and Locker Hooking
Class 08:
- Construction or Your bag
- Stitching Down your Needle Felting
- Placing Pieces
- Thinking about Function
Class 09:
- Handstitching/Machine
- What can be done on machine, seams and machine doodling
- What has to be done by hand
- Covering those ugly spots
- Adding zippers, handles, and clasps
- Liners!!
Open Facebook Group to students of this course:
Curious Mondo: Mixed Media Fiber Arts Purses
Time table:
9 hours
Basic / Intermediate / Advanced
Target market:
Fiber artists, anyone who loves fibers and crochet or wants to start a new hobby or career
Main objective:
Learn how to create a stunning mixed media purse