Class 01:
- Why to cut, increasing business
- What you will need: tools, work area…
- Controlling your child: how to make them feel comfortable
- Booster ideas, Height vs levels, Cape/Focus techniques
- Professional vs Amateur
Class 02:
- Basics: how to hold scissors, angles
- Girls styling, trends
- Kids and color, temporary colors
- Fun colors for special occasions
- Cool-aid difficulties
- Dyeing with construction paper
- How-to dye
Class 03:
- Demo: Cut & Style boy’s hair
- Scissor cutting, clipper cutting
- Balance and evenness
- Maintenance, Styles & Cutting
Class 04:
- Hair maintenance
- Chlorine flat hair effect
- Detergent washing
- Horse shampoo, bar soap (sulfates), wax, conditioner types,
- Dry scalps, product buildup
- Proper shampooing and conditioning
Class 05:
- In Depth Demo: Girl
- Dealing with lice (sterilize),
- Cutting (trimming all one length hair and getting it even)
Class 06:
- In Depth Demo: A-Line Haircut
- Special Occasions, Tricks & Techniques
Class 07:
- In Depth Demo: Special Occasion Hair Styling
- (Recitals, weddings, pageants, etc.)
- Cutting & Styling tips, tricks & techniques
Class 08:
- In Depth Demo: Special Occasions Hair
- (Braids, Jewels, etc.)
Class 09:
- In Depth Demo: Special Occasions for Boys (movie star, etc.)
Open Facebook Group to students of this course:
Business | Curious Mondo: How to Cut & Style Children’s Hair
Time table:
9 hours
Basic / Intermediate / Advanced
Target market:
Moms and Hair Professionals
Main objective:
To learn how to cut and style children’s hair with ease.