Class 01:
- What diamond bits to use
- Intro to Materials used
- Basic Safety
- First design- Moon and Sun
Class 02:
- How to use and control a flex shaft while carving
- Speed while carving
- Avoid slipping
Class 03:
- How to keep your stone wet while carving into Stone/glass
Class 04:
- How to create shapes and textures with different diamond bits
Class 5:
- Techniques on how I create planets, trees, ships and various different figures.
Class 06:
- Finishing techniques
Open Facebook Group to students of this course:
Curious Mondo: How to Carve Reverse Intaglio
Time table:
6 hours
Beginning / Intermediate / Advanced
Target market:
Jewelers, carvers, engravers
Main objective:
Learn how to Carve Reverse Intaglio.