Class 01:
- Long-Tail Crossover
- Norwegian Cast-on
- Garter Twist Cast-on
Class 02:
- Alternating Long-tail cast-on
- Alternating Cable Cast-on
- Italian Tubular Cast-on
Class 03:
- Picot Cast-on
- Fringed Cast-on
- Frilly Cast-on
Class 04:
- Crocheted Bind-offs and Single crochet Bind-off
- Crocheted Loop Bind-off
- 2-row bind-off
Class 05:
- Suspended Bind-off
- Icelandic Bind-off
- Russian Bind-off (3 ways)
Class 06:
- Picot Bind-off
- I-Cord Bind-off
- Sewn Bind-off
Open Facebook Group to students of this course:
Curious Mondo: Decorative Edges For Knitting
Time table:
6 hours
Basic / Intermediate / Advanced
Target market:
Fiber artists, knitters, anyone who loves playing with yarn and/or want to start a new hobby or career.
Main objective:
Learn how to knit fancier more decorative edges.