Choosing the wire for a French Beading Flowers with Shahar Boyayan

“When you go buy these at a flower shop or a craft store, you have different gauge of wire, the 18 gauge. So the way I see, I just pinched the package, the packet a little bit, because you have very soft ones. So I see if there is any resistance. And there is quite a bit, so I want that because again, it’s heavy, right? The glass is happy. So I want that. Now there is the 16. The problem is, sometimes you don’t find it. The 16 is even better than this one because it’s very sturdy. It makes it easier for us to make the flowers. I need to have some weight. If I had a lighter gauge, the moment I put the flower here, it starts root, right? It doesn’t stay. Even with this one. Sometimes many times I bend them to make it sturdier.”

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