Learn How to Paint with Wool

This week was my turn. I thought the class

Creating Paintings with Wool. 

Looks like everyone had a lot of fun. We created an African Pygmy Falcon Hoop Art,

Wool Painting Hoop art

then a needle felted Western Screech owl on a fiber canvas

felted owl

A Happy felted Cockatoo

bird wall art

And the wool painted landscape with a 3d tree

wool painted

Painting with wool is a lot of fun. We realized during this online course on how to paint with wool that a lot of people have the perception that needle felting is just for kids. They were mesmerized by what you can create with a little bit of wool and a  barbed needle and how from all angles it will become a beautiful work of art.

I’ve been addicted to needle felting for a long time. My main focus is on sculpting but every now and then I do some wool painting. I’ve set a private goal to do a new wool painting at least every two weeks. I’d like to improve my skills in color blending and details.

Easy to set up the goal, now with everything else I like to make, the challenge will be to find the time.

wool-painting kestrel

This wool painted kestrel is a variation of the falcon. Same pattern.

needle felted parrot

This needle felted parrot is a variation of the Cockatoo wool painting.

We also did a variation of the owl. A pygmy owl