Advanced Spinning: Spinning Fine Yarns
We’re going to cover things like cashmere, silk, and yak which are difficult fibers for most spinners to be able to work with. We’ll cover chained-plying techniques, colorwork techniques to help us achieve a better-looking yarn from hand painted and kettle dyed roving as well as doing long draw. We’ll also cover different yarn projects so that you can tailor yarn specifically to a project that you have in mind.

Instructor: David Keller
David Keller is 33 years old and has been doing fiber arts of some kind for the last 25 years off and on. For the last 5 years David has been running a fiber and yarn dye shop in Salt Lake City specializing in wool yarns and fibers. He has one son, a Yorkie fur baby, and likes to take hot baths. His hobbies include hand spinning, video games, thought experiments, rock climbing, unicycling, sport shooting, and rating movies.